Daniel Siegenthaler

City of Birth: Akron

Date of Birth: February 1, 2005

Tallmadge Addresses: 93 Southwest Avenue

Moved to Tallmadge: 1984

Names of Siblings: Cecilia, Clayton, Maveric


Grade School: Dunbar, Munroe

Middle School: Tallmadge Middle School

High School: Tallmadge High School

Your Occupational History listing employment and dates: 

  • Folo Bar and Grill

What committees, clubs, organizations or activities were you involved and years involved:

  • Police Explorers 
  • Boy Scouts

Changes have you seen in your life in Tallmadge? 

  • Public servants like Police and Fire slowly not contributing to public events

What would you like people to know about you and or your families:

  • We have lived in Tallmadge our whole life.
  • Grandpa was Mayor of Tallmadge and Council Member

Submitted by: Daniel Siegenthaler, 8/13/2022