Larry Bagnoli

City of Birth: Canton

Date of Birth: May 20, 1937

Date of Death: February 5, 2023

Tallmadge Addresses: Southwest Avenue

Location of Internment: Tallmadge Cemetary

Names of Siblings: Delores Barr, Beverly Evans


Full name: Brenda

Where were you married: Tallmadge

Year Married: 1963

Names of your children: Meri Beth Melnik, Julie Donovan

Grandchildren: Joshua Melnik, James Donovan, Kendall Donovan

Your Occupational History listing employment and dates: Hennessy Bagnoli Funeral Homes Partner, Donovan Bagnoli Funeral Home Partner

What committees, clubs, organizations or activities were you involved and years involved: Lions, Tallmadge Football Coach

List any Civic contribution: Rotary, Chamber of Commerce, Played Santa for years in Tallmadge Community

What would you like people to know about you and or your families:

  • Larry was referred to as Mr. Tallmadge
  • Received awards for his dedication to Tallmadge
  • High School Football Stadium named after him in 2022

Submitted by: Chris Grimm, 2/25/23